Voice of VIT

Student Experience

There is more to studying than burying your head in textbooks and lectures. At VIT, we provide you with the opportunity to get involved in the many activities available at the Institution, make new friends, engage with your programs and interact with your lecturers. We are aware that as a student you may face many challenges during your time of study at VIT. We, as an Institution, are committed to supporting you through these times to achieve your goals.
Your journey with us starts with Orientation.

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Orientation plays an important role in helping you quickly become familiar with the expectations, rules and facilities at VIT and adjusting to student life.

Orientation takes place in two stages at VIT:

Stage 1: All students complete an online pre – orientation session two weeks before the start of classes. All students accepted to VIT programs will be emailed information on how to complete this session.

Stage 2: Orientation Day for the programs you enrolled in takes place at both the Sydney and Melbourne campuses a week before the start of classes. You must attend the on campus sessions.

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Student Voice

VIT places importance on your total study experience. As a result, we seek continuous feedback from our students on what works and what needs further improvement. Provided here is a snap shot of the feedback that was provided by current and past VIT students.

Quality Indicators for Teaching and Learning (QILT).

The 2018 Quality Indicators for Teaching and Learning (QILT) has provided VIT with a strong indication that students have embraced the student experience at VIT. The overwhelming majority of students at VIT, 75%, rated the quality of their overall education experience favourably. Positive ratings ranged from 76% for the Skills Development area to 65% for the Learner Engagement focus area. Students rated Skills Development, Teaching Quality and Student Support as the key strengths of VIT.

The figure on the right summarises student feedback on their experience. More information may be obtained at https://www.compared.edu.au/
Quality Indicators for Teaching and Learning (QILT)

The 2018 Quality Indicators for Teaching and Learning (QILT) has provided VIT a strong indication that students have embraced the student experience at VIT. The overwhelming majority of students at VIT, 75%, rated the quality of their overall education experience favourably. Positive ratings ranged from 76% for Skills Development area to 65% for the Learner Engagement focus area. Students rated Skills Development, Teaching Quality and Student Support as the key strengths of VIT.

The figure below summaries student feedback on their experience. More information may be obtained at https://www.compared.edu.au/

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2019 Graduation Survey

At graduation, students expressed their experience at VIT very positively with 94% stating they would recommend VIT to their friends, family and colleagues. More than 82% of the graduating students also pointed out that they had a more positive experience at VIT compared to previous educational institutions they had attended with 93% being very positive about the facilities available at VIT.

Students also reported at the time of graduation that almost 57% of them had obtained full time or part-time employment.

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